Treymore's Ponds

Native vegetation benefits our ponds by improving their overall condition. Spatterdock (lily pads), for instance, absorbs nutrients that would otherwise promote algae growth and blocks UV rays that aid algae production. Spatterdock typically grows in water up to 4 feet deep, so it seldom covers an entire pond.

Other native plants like bulrush, Gulf spike rush, duck potato, and pickerel weed also help absorb nutrients and slow down erosion around the pond edges.

Our vendor actively manages invasive plants and algae in the ponds. Treatments for invasive plants and algae usually take 2-3 weeks to show results. Algae treatments take 7-10 days to be effective, with legal restrictions limiting treatments to once every 14 days. Treatments for submersed vegetation can take up to 45 days to show results. Initially, treating submersed vegetation might increase algae growth, but this subsides once the vegetation dies off. Without treatment, submersed vegetation can cause excessive algae growth and reach the water surface, necessitating intervention.